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 la Méthode Jon Gabriel

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2 participants
zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: la Méthode Jon Gabriel   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeVen 27 Juin 2014 - 21:40


Dernière édition par Volevolevole le Sam 17 Sep 2016 - 18:24, édité 1 fois
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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: ce que cette lecture m'a apporté   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juin 2014 - 13:49

J'ai découvert le site de Jon Gabriel car je voulais lire davantage de témoignages sur des personnes qui ont réussi à redevenir mince, réguler leur poids et leur rapport aux prises alimentaires sans passer par la case régime et compagnie.

D'autre part, j'étais tombée sur un article traitant de mental obesity alors que je cherchais à lire des articles traitant des bénéfices secondaires du surpoids.

J'avais trouvé fort intéressant son approche qui partait du postulat qu'il faisait la différence entre manger ses émotions ou le emotionnal eating qui arrive à tout le monde et même aux minces régulés, oui oui, Zermati en parle aussi, et souffrir d'obésité mentale c'est à dire d'entretenir un schéma mental qui entretient à son tour la prise pondérale.

Il parle du fonctionnement du set-point avec une perspective complémentaire aux écrits de Zermati qui m'a confirmé la justesse de mon choix à regarder en face ce que mon surpoids veut me dire.

J'ai trouvé intéressant son approche de la loi du moindre effort pour une efficacité effective relative à l'exercice physique, d'autant plus que cette semaine la coach de fitness m'a tenu un discours similaire. Je me suis dit, ahhhhhhhhhh chouette, voilà qui me plait. J'avais peur ou je sentais que j'étais capable de faire du sport (à outrance) afin d'accélerer ma "perte de poids" or en même temps je me disais que vouloir compenser par du sport c'était continuer à maintenir l'état de restriction mentale en utilisant l'outil sport, non comme un acte visant le bien-être et le plaisir mais une façon de mesurer mes efforts et donc me laisser dans l'éternel, il faut, je dois faire plus, suis fainéante etc... je vais aller voir comment cela se traduit sur la balance... niet à tout ce discours.

Cela m'a convaincu de revenir aux techniques de visualisations et de méditations que j'ai utilisé avec succès il y a deux ans mais j'avais peur d'y revenir, peur de laisser la place à mes sentiments, or maintenant j'y suis prête et disposée.

Pouvoir discuter avec ma diet de digestion (éventualité de pb relatif à la caséine au lactose et au gluten chez moi...j'ai obtenu des outils pour expérimenter de ce côté-là, par exemple: si je reprends l'écriture de mon carnet alimentaire (sans aucune restriction dans le choix des aliments, hein) noter mes sensations de digestion,comment je me sens dans mon corps 10 mn, 30 mn et 2h après... et en tirer les enseignements.

je compléterai ce message plus tard
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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: INTRODUCTION   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juin 2014 - 14:09


THE GABRIEL METHOD is the revolutionary new DIET-FREE way to get fit by getting your body to want to be thin.


"I later discovered that not only does dieting not work, but if your body already wants to be fat, dieting will only make it fatter"
"Natrually thin people have no dysfunctional relationships with food. They have no good days an no bad days. they don't have foods they can't have. They eat whatever they want, whenever they want. They don't agonize about what's best for them. They just don't care. they simply eat when they're hungry and that's that_end of story.
So I started living that way. I started living like a naturally thin person, eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, but with one difference: I made sure I added certain foods that I knew had the nutrients my body needed in a form that I could digest and assimilate.
Nowadays if my body's hungry, it's hungry for a reason. I respect that and I don't judge it. I just listen to it and do my best to obey."
And it wasn't just my body that was starving. I was starving mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I was not listening to or following my heart.
But I started listening closely to my body, I was finally able to hear my heart.
I had faith that I was being guided and that, as long as I was following my heart, I would be on the path on which I was meant to be. To this day, I still listen to my heart and follow its guidance.


The only reason your body is fat right now is because, for some reason, it thinks it is in your best interest to be fat. But as soon as you identify the problems and you start addressing them, everything changes.
You'll be able to tell immediately when your body no longer wants to be fat. You won't be as hungry and you won't think about food as much. You'll have more energy and enthusiasm, and you'll no longer be at war with your body.

1. I never let a day go without making sure I had given my body the nourishment it needed in a form that i could digest and assimilate. The focus was on adding what was missing.

2. I spent at least some time every day practicing techniques I developed to address the mental and emotional causes of obesity.

3. Every night, as I was going to sleep, I visualized my ideal body exactly the way I wanted it to look and feel. Eventually that vision became reality.
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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: Comprendre pourquoi votre corps voudrait être gras   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juin 2014 - 14:23

Your body wants to be fat anytime if decides that being fat is the best way to keep you safe.

Once your body understands that being thin is the best way to keep you safe, your body will want to be thin and the weight will fall off.

The way to lose weight is not to struggle or fight against your body. The way to lose weight is to figure out what's turning your FAT programs on and getting your body to turn them off.

Jessie's Law cf: video sur son site où il explique l'enseignement qu'il a retiré avec l'histoire de son chat...


une question que chacun peut se poser: "How is my body adapting to the stresses in my life?"

Applying Jessie's Law in the Real world:

-Chronic Yo-Yo dieting
-Nutritional Starvation
-Toxins: your body is using fat to help protect you from toxins, which are stored in your fat cells.
-Food additives
-Mental and Emotional Threats: Your body treats all mental and emotional stresses as if they are literal physical theats. Every time you feel stress, you are sending a chemical message to your body, and tha tmessage is: " I am not safe. Do something!" Your body is programmed to do whatever it can to protect you, but the only types of threats your body understands are physical threats, not emotional ones. SO when you are upset emotionally, your body actually thinks your are in danger physically.

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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: Exemples de menaces mentales et émotionelles   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juin 2014 - 14:47

qui sont susceptibles d'induire votre corps à penser que d'être gras peut l'aider à vous protéger:

- Mental Starvation: Your body only understands one form of starvation and that is physical starvation, but you can also be starving in a mental or emotional sense. For example, you can be starving for love, fun, joy, intimacy, life experiences, or a deeper spiritual connection. All of these mental and emotional longings can cause the same chemical signals in your brain that physical starvation causes. These signals can all activate the FAT Programs.

-Fear of Scarcity: the fear of not having enough money or of losing something you value can send a message to your body that resources are limited, but the only resource your body understands is food. As far as your body is concerned, it's the only thing you can save. Any fear that resources may become limited is interpreted as fear of famine. If the body thinks a famine is coming, it will want to stock up on as much fat as possible.

-Emotional Obesity: You may not be aware of it consciously, but if at some level you have made the association that being fat makes you feel safer, or that it is in some way serving an emotional need, you have "emotional obesity". this is one of those instances where your body is getting it right. In this case, your body is really protecting your; it is making you feel safer emtionally.

-Dysfunctionnal Beliefs: (...) Negative and dysfunctional beliefs surrounding obesity and weight loss can activate the FAT Programs. If you believe you were meant to be fat, born to be fat, or deserve to be fat, or if you believe that losing weight is difficult or impossible, then your body gets fat or stays fat simply because that's your belief.(..)

Weight loss is easy and effortless when you get your body to want to be thin. In order to do this, however, one of the things you have to do is eliminate the dysfunctional beliefs that are getting in your way.

Envisioning your end result:

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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: MENTAL CAUSES OF OBESITY   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juin 2014 - 15:05

Nothing is more important than understanding the way the mind and body are communicating with each other, especially when it comes to stress.

Every time you have mental or emotional stress, it generates chemical changes in your body.

(...) this explains why the same superficial stress makes some people put on weight and some people lose it. In an abusive, emotional situation, one person may put on weight as a shield, while another person will shed weight in preparation for running away.

Mental Starvation: Lack_The Modern Day Famine

(...) in a sense, any lack is a form of starvation. Wether you feel that you don't have enough money, love, attention, or meaning in your life, the feeling is lack_ not enough of something.

The daily Grind

What we commonly think of as stress_ the frantic and sometimes desperate ongoing struggle to make ends meet and get ahead in life_ can sometimes tricks your body into thinking that it must be a time of famine, so it activates, the FAT Programs.

Studies have shown that people in particularly stressful working environments and families with less money are more likely to be fat.

It's how much you worry about it and how your brain interprets the fear that matters, not the objective reality of the situation.

Spiritual Starvation

Spiritual longing is really a desire to connect with our soul...

When we feel disconnected, food can sometimes be a way of connecting with the outside world. Think about what you're doing when you're eating _ you are taking something that is outside of you and you are bringing it inside you in a very intimate way (..) eating becomes a surrogate for the true connection that we desire. When we have spiritual starvation, the can be the tendency to "fill the soul" by eating.

Living life in a way that we feel is meaningful_feeling like there is a purpose to our existence_nourishes our soul.
Meaning and purpose are "soul food," and many of us are starving for this essential, non physical nutrient.

Dernière édition par Volevolevole le Mar 1 Juil 2014 - 14:10, édité 1 fois
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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: MENTAL CAUSES OF OBESITY (suite)   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juin 2014 - 15:22

What are you "weighting"for? _ Follow Your Heart

Whatever you really want to do but are afraid to do _ DO IT. Take the chance_ follow your heart. It's essential to listen to the messages from your heart. These messages are your soul's desire. They communicate to you what your are meant to be doing at any given time in your life. If you don't follow these messages, you will inevitably be straying (vous vous écarterez inévitablement de..) from your's life's path.

Having something that you love doing is a gift from the universe.

This is a common theme. If we fail to follow our hearts, obesity is often the result. Yearning causes emotional starvation and activates the FAT Programs.

If you have something that you'd like to do, long to do, yearn to do but are afraid to do_ take the chance. DON'T WEIGHT! FOLLOW YOUR HEART!

If you are afraid of the changes that will happen in your life as a result of following your heart, that's natural. Just surrender the changes, letting them happen. Don't resist them, don't tense up; just relax and allow them to happen.

Anytime you experience any transitional discomfort, just relax and say these words to yourself: "This is my heart's desire, and I allow these changes to take place in my life"
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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: Mental Obesity: les croyances limitantes   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeMer 2 Juil 2014 - 15:45

What I call "mental obesity" is when your beliefs either cause you to gain weight or prevent you from losing weight.

Belief can control our entire reality because they act like reality filters,

... if we think that something is difficult or impossible to accomplish, we shut ourselves off from the possibilities, thus almost ensuring that an event will not occur. The harder we think something is to achieve, the harder achieving it wil become. As the saying goes, argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours. However, the easier we think something is to achieve, the easier we make it for ourselves.

I couldn't care less if my beliefs are "right" or "wrong". I only ever ask myself one question: "Does this belief serve me and those with whom I share my planet?" If so, then I keep it; if not, it's out. It's that simple.

Believing that losing weight is difficult for whatever reason _ causes mental obesity.
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zouzou assidue
zouzou assidue

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 45
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2014

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: EMOTIONAL OBESITY   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeMer 2 Juil 2014 - 16:16

When you have emotional obesity, you've drawn the conclusion, either consciously or unconsciously, that being fat makes you feel safer.

In general, eating for any reason other than nutrition is a form of emotional eating ... mais tout les mangeurs emotionnels ne sont pas gros.

Emotional obesity, on the other hand, is the actual need to be fat, whether consciously or subsconciously, as an emotional survival strategy.

Basically, it's futile to discuss any type of strategies for losing weight if you have mental and/or emotional reasons why you need to be fat _ unless you address these reasons.

You' ll sabotage your weight-loss effort because, at some level, the need to be fat serves a vitally important survival function in your life.

Fat can create distance between you and the person, thing, or situation that is infringing on your space.

- mental or emotional abuse

... ou il explique qu'il craignait son associé dans la finance.... the only thing I could do was try to create some kind of distance between the two of us, and that is exactly what I did. The fat created distance between us, in essence, I was hiding inside my body.

You simply must be able to feel safe around everyone in your life. This is your birthright, and if you don't have it right now, you must reclaim it.

- les abus sexuels et violence physique

there are things that you can do to permanently remove the association between being fat and being protected.

-Hiding from the World

One way of hiding is to become less visible; the other involves retreating inside your body _ underneath your fat.

It's not the objective reality of the threat that matters; it's the way your body interprets the threat that determines its reaction.

- un moyen de se punir

We may want to be fat to punish ourselves because we don't feel that we are worthy of success, a beautiful body, love, or the respect of others or ourselves. If we are angry with ourselves or if we don't like ourselves, being fat is a method of punishment.

- un mode de rébellion

If somebody else wants you to lose weight or is forcing you to lose weight, you may want to stay fat just so that you can reassert control over your life.

Parents, children, husbands, and wives should be aware that nagging sends a couple of harmful messages:

. " you're not okay the way you are"
. " I know better than you what's good for you"

- tester l'amour de nos proches, les pousser à nous rejeter.

If we thing that someone only loves us for our looks, we may wish to test that love by seeing if they still love us no matter how we look. We may also want to push your partners away because we feel unlovable

You need some timeand space just for you, and if you don't get it, your body will try to give you that space by creating a buffer between you and your life. It does this the only way it can: by creating a buffer of fat that protects you from the outside world.

- becoming unlovable and "the betrayal"

You need to be aware that, as you lose weight, your relationships with people may change. If your're afraid of those changes, you may stay heavy simply not to "rock the boat"

- utiliser le fait d'être gros comme une excuse

... in order for him to be employable, he had to first lose weight. He was using his weight as an excuse not to work. We also may use weight to avoid facing the issues of relationships.

It's easier to blame the fat than to confront the issues. As long as we are using our weight to avoid other uncomfortable aspects of your lives, we'll resist losing the weight because it's become the scapegoat that's distracting others and ourselves from what's really going on.

Posez vous cette question toute simple: " est-ce que je me sens sûre de moi, mince?"

You will know when your emotional obesity is gone because you will feel safer, more centered, less fearful, calmer, happier, more open, more positive, and more in control of your life
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super zouzou
super zouzou

Nombre de messages : 257
Age : 43
Localisation : vendée
Emploi/loisirs : maman au foyer
Date d'inscription : 10/12/2007

la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la Méthode Jon Gabriel   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitimeMer 16 Juil 2014 - 9:31

Merci pour ce résumé.

J'ai beaucoup aimé tes points ---. Effectivement on retrouve ça dans beaucoup de livres anglo-saxons, mais quand on passe par-dessus, on peut prendre seulement ce qui nous intéresse.
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la Méthode Jon Gabriel Empty
MessageSujet: Re: la Méthode Jon Gabriel   la Méthode Jon Gabriel Icon_minitime

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